Control of vegetation (grass, weeds and invasive plants) on and in proximity to the track inside the Railway Right-of-Way through the application of an herbicide in accordance with Pest Control Products Act.
To ensure that the vegetation in proximity to the track does not compromise the Safety of residents, passengers or VIA Rail Canada employees. Furthermore, to ensure compliance with the Rules Respecting Track Safety Part II section B item II. Vegetation on railway property which is on or immediately adjacent to roadbed must be controlled so that it does not:
- become a fire hazard to track-carrying structures;
- obstruct visibility of railway signs and signals;
- interfere with railway employees performing normal track side duties;
- prevent proper functioning of signal and communication lines; or
- prevent railway employees from visually inspecting moving equipment from their normal duty stations.
In railway operations, vegetation control is necessary for the safety and security of the public and personnel as well as the protection of property.is necessary to remove any vegetation growing on the ballast which could pose a risk to safe train operations.
On VIA Rail mainline tracks and yards. More specifically:
- Alexandria, Beachburg, Smiths Falls, Brockville et Chatham Subdivisions: on the tracks and near the tracks, around signal bungalows as well as storage yards.
- Montreal Maintenance Center (MMC): on the tracks and near the tracks.
- Toronto Maintenance Center (TMC): on the tracks, near the tracks, building perimeters and fences.
- Alexandria, Beachburg, Smiths Falls, Brockville et Chatham Subdivisions: July 3 to 24th 2024.
- Montreal Maintenance Center (MMC): Week of May 20th 2024.
- Toronto Maintenance Center (TMC): Week of May 27th 2024.
Take note that the work can be postponed if the weather is not favorable (rain, wind, etc.)